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Image by Artem Militonian



Coordinate the work of all officers and committees. Preside over all PTO meetings. Meet with the Principal prior to the beginning of the school year to see what the needs of the school are. Plan out the school year PTO calendar with the Principal. Busiest Times of Year: Busiest at the beginning of the year but flattens out quite soon; additional special projects throughout the year as well as monthly meetings (approx. 1 hour per week/2 weeks)


Record the minutes (notes) of all Board and General Membership PTA Meetings. Retain accurate records of activities. Meetings typically last 1 hour. Busiest Times of Year:Once per month for Membership and Board Meetings 


This is not an elected position. This position is appointed  by the President. The Parliamentarian advises the board of directors and members on matters of parliamentary procedure, and serves as a consultant, especially in a meeting, where only the chair has the authority to rule on questions of order or to answer parliamentary inquiries. (Approx. 1 hr. a month)

Sunshine Committee Chair

Organizes monthly luncheons, staff snacks or breakfasts for the staff. Creates a sign up for potluck lunches, provides snacks for staff meetings and creates a hospitality plan for the teachers and staff during Teacher Appreciation week. (Approx. 1-2 hours a month) 

Vice President

Assist the PTO President. Preside over meetings in the absence of the President. Responsible for membership. Membership responsibilities include encouraging students, parents, staff and the community to join GM PTO. Become familiar with the structure of membership dues. Busiest Times of Year: Busiest at the beginning of the year for Membership Drive


Keep books of accounts and record. Communicate with principal, line item chairperson(s) and President regarding the availability of funds in each budget line item as requests are received. Present financial reports at meetings. Facilitate activities such as Fall Fundraising, Spring Fundraising, T-shirts, and school Supply Coordinators. Busiest Times of Year: Busiest at the beginning of the year but flattens out quite soon once you get the hang of it. Attends all PTO meetings, keeps an ongoing budget and check writing.

Communication Chair

The Communication Chair helps with Facebook, Website, flyers, emails and Council Delegate when needed, as well as give status for them, or fill in for the Parliamentarian in their absence at any PTA Board or Membership Meetings. They update the PTA Website, Facebook or other social media pages with important information pertaining to the school and PTA such as partners, Pawtime Mealtime, current fundraisers and other PTA information. (Approx.1 hour a week)

Community Representative

 Supports 16 "lead community volunteers" for all16 communities. Is Liaison between the PTA Board, LCVs' and teachers. Supports communication and help. 

(Executive Board Position)


710 Stadium Dr, Georgetown, TX 78626

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© 2023 by Goodwater Montessori Parent Teacher Organization 

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